As part of our new #RidingItOut series, we’re going to be catching up with Endura’s athletes and ambassadors over the next few weeks to find out how the current situation is affecting them. First up is James Hayden, who joined the clan earlier in the year and is one of the few Endura athletes to have raced this year, finishing second in the Atlas Mountain Race in February.
The current situation is difficult for everyone, a few things are important to get through it.
Firstly, perspective is vital to dealing with a situation. Inside your world, you might feel like it is the worst time ever. I find it very valuable to step back from my position and look at the wider picture, understand other people’s positions. Often this will make my position look a lot better than I first though, and rather than being downbeat, I will be grateful.
Secondly is to control the controllable, and forget about the rest. Personally I am not a medical professional or in Government, so there is not much I can do to help. However, I can help myself and those around me. If you focus on controlling and working on areas you can effect, instead of potentially feeling helpless, you end up feeling empowered. Further putting energy into those areas helps to distract you.
Both of those actions above should help you feel more positive, and a positive outlook is key to wellbeing. Plus try to limit your news reading.
When things change fast, and with huge implications, everyone will feel anxious and disrupted. I have found dealing with the current situation much like I’ve deal with grief in the past, and going through stages. Drawing on previous experience has helped. So take your time to work though it and deal with it, talking helps.
Personally I have my final year university exams in six weeks. These have moved online rather than in person, and I have some extra assignments. At first I did not deal with this well. But I got perspective, and controlled what I can. While I am stuck at home, I have even more time to revise and make sure I do the best I can in my exams. I worry a bit less about structured training right now, but I use getting outside for exercise as a mental release. I do not know how this will impact my longer term situation, so right now I do not think about it, as it is mostly uncontrollable. However getting the best exams results I can, is controllable and will impact my future.

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